Sure enough that Nag came in....

The Me I knew, knew ties bound the soul. The me I am, wears one daily. The I am statements meant me as a person, the me I was went with JonBenet Ramsey to the little girl beauty pagent in the sky.

How the fuck do you spell pagent. The you is rhetorical. The Me, I knew how to spell, The me, I am going to learn again.

The Me I am writes occasionally. The me I was wrote methodically. The Me I was wrote often left handed and all other words with my right.

The Me that I am still writes bad jokes and begs your pardon for the pun. I think that that you was rhetorical as well, the Me that, I am wearing this premise extremely thin.

Back in the day when employ, meant making, spending money, now employment means making money, with nothing to spare like a bowling alley with one ball.

The Me I knew met her force with metaphors, smacked her smiles with similes, and although we had commas in common; I found her semi cold when semicolons colluded with periods about the myriad makeshift splices.

I knew I would make Me last. COnstantly the wrong way in revolving doors, and entering the exits juggling lifes baggage like a man too cheap to pay for a Smart Cart, leaving the carrion to the vultures and parlaying my pontential on one horse to win.

Another to show


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