M3866581 89-4b Operating in the breakdown lane- Civil Infraction TOTAL DUE 100 hundred dollars

It smacks the brain with the vehemence of a cackling nun wielding a ruler. It tightens with pain like a hung over dentist cranking on the braces of the first Monday morning patient. Its tethered to my soul like an autistic child on a leash at the mall.

It fucks its way in. It idles its way out. It stews and ferments like mash in a still. Then it leaves.

It eschews the obvious pronoun, but it still hugs me. It makes her bawl. The hatred of every single day lays dormant in our complacency.

When the snowball gathers too much momentum. Its rolling bigger while they roll deeper.

Broke broken breaking, smash smashed smashing

Alone in the struggle, untied in the hustle.

A loan in the hustle, united in the struggle.

It smacks the brain with the cackling of a vehement nun ruling a welder. It cranks with pain like an over hung dentist tightening on the braces of the last Friday afternoon patient. Its leashed to my autistic child like a soul on a tether at the mall.

It regurgitates the oblivious antiverb, but it still kicks her. It makes me teeter. The love of every couple weeks stands galvanized outside of their drive.

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