And all the Science I dont Understand....its just my job....

I am representative of the student body. I pine, like oak to be laid out in bliss, to Split Sundaes and go bananas.

I saw an Eagle on the chalkboard of freshmen Algebra. Granted, I had a head full of acid and some fuck freaked me out with a Wonder Woman Pez dispenser during homeroom. Jesus turned his head and peered at me. I almost punched the sociology teacher, I had to sit in the back in my own pew.

Lord knows, I didn't stink although I made one as the heretic in the study halls. Me and a mulatto kid made hell. He later made it real when he punched me for being racist. I'm not really. I just had a shaved head and a red tie with doc martens, and I idolized Edward Norton and for that matter, Edward Furlong. Maybe i JUST liked the fat guy who is in Earl nowadays.

For the most part i had no friends. I was an underachieving stoner with a penchant for the dramatic. Dissect the sentence and see what is true today. Lets just say i don't smoke weed.

Rock on gold dust woman. I took the drugs as a guinea pig. I peaked at halftime, I geeked at mass. I played a role and now I'm just bored.

Of writing this and my past. The FEW chore will hold
pee poll
like the COCK us in I OWE YA
Hoey Jinds questions a fact he can't
Go into SHAWK
cause i rip shit the quickest and the baddest DIE A FER RECESS
like a student in the garden of kids
I flip ish so quick the lip be on the top of the lids

5 days a week

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