JAH BLESS! and showing it.........

Not so much a happenstance as a happening. Geared up, with your addictions placated; your hollows stuffed with straw. Insulated, pedantic in execution, follow my path, don your gloves, doff your cap. Plastered living, akin to plastic thinking, these are motions gone through automatically. I ventured through the applause and garnered what was natural. Gleaning and skinning hyperbole and extracting what I was due. I've been left mouth breathing and freezing at the corner having finished a days work. And I've still been hungry. Feeding on excess, consuming and depositing. Finagling and dominating a social structure that wasn't carved for me. I'm dressed up. I am at your meeting. I've held my own and I have exhaled; and with that breath comes the head turning stench of a halitosis that can't be brushed or scraped. It very well may be normalcy, and what is so wrong with that?

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